In these extremely challenging times, Paul and I would like to share our heartfelt support and solidarity with you and your families. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones, and like so many, we have a heavy heart as we hear each day about the impacts COVID-19 is having on our communities. While we are all watching the development of the coronavirus pandemic with feelings of concern and uncertainty, it is important to remember that we will get through this, together.
As governments around the world are implementing measures to contain this public health crisis, and non essential businesses like ours are shut down, we at Finca Flores Amarillas are taking this opportunity to carry out the necessary maintenance jobs and repairs, and update our website. Furthermore, we are following the advice of Spanish government and public health authorities, and proactively implementing a range of precautionary measures, such as stringent sanitation and cleaning protocols.
For us, the best way we’ve found to deal with this challenge is to focus on what we can do each day to make a difference. By continuing to work hard, we will come through this stronger and better prepared to welcome you when the crisis is over. There is a lot of work left to do, but we have faith that we are up to the challenge.
Finally, we express our most sincere gratitude to all key workers in Spain and around the world, who selflessly work around the clock to save lives, and provide food and comfort in these most disruptive and uncertain times. Take care and stay safe.